How To Reduce Premature Greying Of Hair In Your 30s? Dietitian Shares 5 Superfoods

We all know that our hair will eventually turn grey. However, it can be quite disheartening when it starts happening earlier. If you're in your 30s, you might be able to relate to this feeling very well. During these years, our body naturally goes through several changes, so it's alright to spot a strand or two of grey hair. It only becomes a matter of concern when you spot multiple strands. While several factors can contribute to this, the most common one is our everyday diet. Recently, dietitian Manpreet Kalra took to her official Instagram page to share five superfoods that can help reduce premature greying of hair. But before that, let's see what causes it in the first place.

What Causes Premature Greying Of Hair?

According to the dietitian, premature greying of hair is mainly caused by three major reasons. The first is a diet lacking essential micronutrients. For healthy hair, one must enrich their diet with a balance of all vitamins and nutrients. She further states that excessive exposure to sunlight and stress could also contribute to premature greying. 
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Here Are 5 Superfoods That Can Help Reduce Premature Greying Of Hair, As Per The Dietitian:

1. Amla

We are well aware of the incredible benefits amla offers for our health. It comes as no surprise that this fruit can also be beneficial for our hair. The dietitian explains that amla is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can aid in preserving the natural pigmentation of hair follicles, thus delaying the onset of grey hair.  She suggests having 15 ml of amla juice in the morning.

2. Kalonji Seeds

Also known as nigella seeds, these tiny black seeds are great for hair health. According to Kalra, kalonji seeds can stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth. Thus, the chances of having grey hair are significantly reduced. The best way to reap their benefits is by preparing a mask and applying it to your scalp twice a week.

3. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are usually associated with enhancing the flavour of dishes. But did you know they could also reduce premature greying of hair? "Curry leaves help restore melanin production in hair follicles, which can slow down greying, " says the dietitian. So, go ahead and incorporate these leaves into your diet as much as possible. Manpreet suggests consuming 3-4 curry leaves daily on an empty stomach.

4. Wheatgrass

You can also have wheatgrass to prevent premature greying of hair. What makes it so great? Kalra says that wheatgrass helps stimulate hair follicles, thus promoting stronger hair. Additionally, wheatgrass can also aid in removing toxins. Wondering how to consume wheatgrass? Simply add 1 tsp of it to any of your meals or mix it in water and have it first thing in the morning.

5. Black Sesame Seeds

Another superfood for your hair is black sesame seeds. These seeds protect your hair from oxidative stress and help nourish the scalp. By consuming them, you can prevent premature greying of hair to a great extent. Manpreet suggests adding 1 tsp of black sesame seeds to any meal or applying its oil to your scalp.
Also Read: Struggling With Hair Fall In Monsoon? Here Are 5 Tips That Really Work

Watch the detailed video below:

Now that you know about these superfoods, incorporate them into your diet and say goodbye to grey hair!

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