The Delhi Police on Tuesday registered an FIR against the owner of the Jungle Jamboree restaurant under relevant provisions of law based on prime facie circumstances. A massive fire had broken out at the restaurant located in West Rajouri Garden area on December 9 resulting in the injury of one woman. No casualties were reported. Fire was doused off by 11 fire tenders who reached on the spot upon receiving information. The fire official further stated that the cause of the fire was being ascertained. The Delhi Fire Service also shared a video of the fire incident in which huge plumes of smoke were spotted from the building in the area. "As soon as the information was received, 11 fire tenders reached the spot. The fire has been completely extinguished. A woman got injured after slipping while descending the stairs. No other person was injured," Sarabjit Singh, Assistant Divisional Officer (ADO) of the Delhi Fire Service, told ANI.
Delhi Chief Minister Atishi also stated that she was in touch with the district administration regarding the relief and rescue operations being carried out at the restaurant. In a post on X (formerly Twitter) in Hindi, CM Atishi said, "Our firefighters have brought the fire in a restaurant in Rajouri Garden under control very quickly and promptly. I am in constant touch with the district administration regarding relief and rescue operations". The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) in a statement earlier in the day said that the fire was caused due to a short circuit.
"Fire was controlled by the Delhi Fire Service Department. No casualty has been reported in the fire incident," the MCD statement said. The MCD added that the fire broke out on the first floor of the restaurant due to a short circuit in the wiring. The Delhi Fire Service also shared a video of the fire incident in which huge plumes of smoke were spotted from the building in the area.
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