Fashion designer Masaba Gupta and actor Satyadeep Mishra will soon become parents. This weekend was extra special for the mom-to-be as her friends Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor hosted a fun baby shower for the expecting couple. Taking a step away from the typical pink-and-blue theme, the party theme for this baby shower was 'biscuit and caramel'. All the guests were dressed in shades of beige, camel, and white. Aligning with the theme, the party featured an elaborate dessert menu planned and executed by Pastry chef Pooja Dhingra.
Taking to her Instagram handle, the chef posted glimpses from the decadent dessert station, which featured macarons, cookies, milk candies, a variety of cakes, biscuits, cupcakes dubbed 'baby cakes', tiramisu, tarts, and a tempting tall cake. No colourful icing or frosting was used for any dessert and all the sweet treats were in shades of chocolate, biscuit and caramel.
Also Read: Hosting A Baby Shower? Here's A Dreamy Food Menu That'll Wow Your Guests
Take a look at all the delicious pictures below:
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Apart from the yummy sweet items, other foods on Masaba's baby shower menu included Caesar Salad, Pasta in choice of four sauces, a live Burger station, Lamb patties, Buttermilk fried chicken, Butter mushroom duxelle, French fries and Sweet potato fries. Sharing a picture of the full menu on her Instagram Stories, Masaba wrote, "Best girls bestest burgers - is it ok that I'm still craving it for breakfast."
Masaba Gupta announced her pregnancy on Instagram in April this year. Since then, the foodie celebrity has been sharing glimpses of her meals and pregnancy cravings on her Instagram stories. From Gujarati snacks to milk chocolates, read all about Masaba's wholesome pregnancy cravings here.
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