Internet's favourite Orhan Awatramani aka Orry was in Ahmedabad on Wednesday. He was spotted enjoying the high-octane face-off between Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) and Rajasthan Royals (RR). No points for guessing, the internet sensation was accompanied by his BFF, Janhvi Kapoor. The actress was in the city to promote her film Mr. & Mrs. Mahi. In the middle of this, Janhvi, Orry and friends enjoyed a wholesome Gujarati spread. Orry dropped a picture on his Instagram Stories, wherein he and Janhvi can be seen relishing Gujarati Thali along with their other friends . What's on the plate? Sabzi, suva kadhi, bajra vadi, papad, buttermilk and salad. Along with the pictures, Orry wrote, “Thali Time!!! Ft Mrs Mahi!!”
Orry's Gujarati foodie tale didn't end here. He also shared a video of him enjoying a sandwich at a night market in Ahmedabad. In the clip, Orry can be seen surrounded by innumerable fans. The clip was originally dropped by a fan page. Re-sharing it on Instagram Stories, Orry wrote, “Orry (that's me) spotted at the post IPL night market in Ahmedabad.”
In case you don't know, Orry is a big-time foodie. Earlier, Orry was spotted enjoying the quintessential Gujarati snack — Dhokla. In the video, shared on Instagram, he can be heard saying, “Private jet, MacBook and a dhokla; never stop working for your dreams.” Right after this, Orry can be seen taking a big bite of a juicy dhokla. That's not all! In the note attached to the clip, Orry elaborated his thoughts. He wrote, “Never stop working for your dreams & never let anything come in the way of achieving them or anyone tell you that your dreams are too big or too small, they're your dreams and you must dream hard, the sky is your limit.”
Also Read: What's On Orry's Plate? A Peek Into The World Of #ChefOrry - See For Yourself
Also Read: Watch: How To Make Janhvi Kapoor's Favourite Korean Gochujang Noodles
We can't wait to get a glimpse of Orry and Janhvi Kapoor's next outing together.
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